Every facility is unique, from the layout, to the building materials, to the tenants. No matter what, you deserve facility cleaning solutions tailored to your building. For example, if there’s a lot of glass walls and windows in your building, skipping out on glass cleaning would be a bad idea. But if you’re a government facility, you can’t let just any old cleaning team through your doors.
Differences make the world unique, but it can also make it challenging to find the right facility cleaning solutions for you. If you’re having a hard time deciding what cleaning services you need, check out our run down of these five cleaning solutions.
Secure Cleaning
If you work in a government facility, or an organization that handles a lot of personal health information or personally identifiable information, then you know the training you had to go through to handle such personal and confidential information. Your organization most likely has to comply with several different varieties of technological regulations limiting how the information is handled.
When you’re dealing with personal or confidential information, you can’t let just anyone into your building. Anyone who enters needs to be either closely supervised or undergo the same training you went through in order to prevent data breaches. But your office still needs to be cleaned. While a cleaning team isn’t handling information directly, they’re still in a facility vulnerable to security breaches and need to act accordingly.
Can you imagine how time consuming it would be for you to watch your cleaning team like a hawk? Plus, most cleaning teams work at odd hours to avoid disrupting the work day. Who’s going to watch the team when it’s 9pm?
Luckily, the Wilburn Company offers secure cleaning teams. This facility cleaning solution provides your secure facility with a team of environmental hygienists who have the security clearance to work in secure buildings. This team has undergone stringent background checks to meet government standards. You can trust our employees with all the confidence you place in a federally cleared staff.
Green Cleaning
Earth Day is coming up next month, on April 22nd. What better way to honor the holiday than switching your facility cleaning solutions to green cleaning?
As we become more and more aware of our environmental impact, more and more companies are “going green.” If your brand is becoming more environmentally-friendly, make sure you transition your cleaning services as well. Green cleaning services use more efficient equipment, waste less water, and use reusable products instead of one-use paper towels and Green Seal approved cleaning products.
Green cleaning has many benefits. Traditional cleaning products contain toxic chemicals that make your employees sick. Green cleaning will cut down on your water bill. And you’ll still benefit from the great clean that the Wilburn Company is known for.
However, not every company that claims to be green actually is. Look for facility cleaning solutions that have received the GS-42 Certification. This certification means the company has undergone training and follows stringent guidelines to give you the most environmentally-friendly clean possible.
Emergency Response Cleaning
Are you in a flood area? Have tornadoes gone spinning through your county? Are you in an area cold enough to worry about bursting pipes? Do you have a problem with vandalism?
Emergencies can happen to anyone, anywhere, and for a wide variety of reasons. When disaster strikes, you have to respond quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, many people forget about the aftermath of a disaster- more specifically, the cleanup.
No matter what caused your emergency, post-emergency cleanup can be exhausting in more ways than one. Oftentimes it can even be dangerous to clean up if there are blood-borne pathogens present or more mundane hazards like broken glass. If you aren’t trained in emergency response cleaning, then it’s a good idea to call in professionals.
Emergency response cleaning is just one of the many facility cleaning solutions that the Wilburn Company offers. Our emergency response cleaning teams are trained to deal with hazardous materials, bloodborne pathogens, and more.
Glass Cleaning
Glass is a beautiful building material. Glass-walled offices offer employees the feel of an open office, with some additional privacy. When skyscrapers are wrapped in glass, the effect is beautiful. The offices inside receive additional sunshine while the outside looks very impressive. Even glass accents and decorations inside your office can create a nice impact on an otherwise traditional office. However, glass also needs to be cleaned.
Nothing ruins the beautiful effect of glass more than a few greasy fingerprints. Whether its office windows or a unique glass lamp, a layer of fingerprints and dust can really make your office feel dirty. If your office has a lot of glass, it’s a good idea to schedule regular cleanings, with a focus on making the glass in your building sparkle.
Post-Construction Cleaning
Are you having construction done in your office? It’s quite exciting to see something new take shape in your building. But with all of those saws, hammers, and work boots in your building, construction can also make your office dirty—fast. The Wilburn Company offers post-construction facility cleaning solutions to help your building feel new again.
Don’t let that layer of dust settle into all the cracks of your office. Call the Wilburn Company right after construction ends for a thorough cleaning before you move your furniture, employees, and everything else back into the building. A post-construction interior clean-up crew can wipe down the walls and floors to remove that layer of construction dust. All carpets should also be cleaned to remove any dust or other irritants that are trapped between the fibers. You don’t want to leave anything behind that could irritate your employees’ lungs.
All trash should also be removed from the area to create a clean and debris-free workspace.
Do You Need Any of these Facility Cleaning Solutions?
The Wilburn Company is proud to offer all of these facility cleaning solutions and more. Whatever package your business needs, the Wilburn Company is happy to work with you to create the ideal cleaning solution for you.
As a leading commercial cleaning and government cleaning company in the Maryland and Virginia area, we’re here to serve you with our expertise.