12,000,000+ sq ft
Cleaning over
every day
Responsive to the needs
of any size organization
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Quality Inspection Team
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425+ employee strong
Responsible & reliable workforce
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9,000,000+ sq ft
Cleaning over
every day
12,000,000+ sq ft

Archive for the ‘Awards’ Category

Photo of ONCON’s Top 100 COO Nominee: Bob Baldwin

Meet ONCON’s Top 100 COO Nominee: Bob Baldwin

Bob Baldwin believes that all things happen for a reason. “I am 100% certain that I was meant to be with The Wilburn Company,” he says. His belief in destiny has served him well in his role as COO of The Wilburn Company. He joined The Wilburn Company nearly seven years ago, and his passion and innovative leadership has helped us grow exponentially.  Today, The Wilburn Company is a well-oiled machine, thanks in large part to Bob’s hard work and consistency.  His dedication to his work has earned him a nomination for ONCON’s 2023 Icon List of the Top 100…